Childrens Health
I understand the pressures modern families are under and understand that they need access to excellent preventative health care. I am passionate about Children’s Health, especially Eczema, Allergies, Food Intolerances, Sleep Issues, Immune concerns, Behavioural Concerns, ADHD/ADD, ASD, Fussy eaters, Digestive Complaints and Skin Conditions.
In the Initial Appointment, I use the time to take a complete case from both the child or adolescent and the parent (age dependent). I also observe and talk to the child or adolescent and, with their permission, do some simple non invasive testing like nail and tongue exams, zinc taste tests, Iridology, ear exam with an otoscope if necessary, chest exam, physical exam, etc. This consultation can also be conducted via Video Telehealth anywhere in Australia or the world (the booking portal has a built-in national/world time clock enabled) without the physical examination component.
Following the initial appointment, testing may be needed to get in-depth health information. You may be referred for pathology testing outside the clinic, including hair, blood, stool, urine or saliva. The lab we use offers testing Australia-wide. I can also work collaboratively with your doctor. A report of findings will follow up this appointment. This will detail any results found at the testing appointment, health goals, supplements, and herbal recommendations. We will also discuss consultation frequency and a plan for the next few months of treatment based on your child’s needs.
Follow Up Appointments are catered for on a needs basis and you are not locked into any program. Suggested follow-ups are every 2-4 weeks initially then less frequently.
A naturopath deals with health problems, metabolic disorders and imbalances, through treatment of the whole person. In general, a wide range of diagnostic techniques are employed to assess causative factors, and treatment may involve dietary changes, herbal medicines, homoeopathy, bodywork and/or nutritional supplementation.
It is a gentle, drugless system of health care using a wide variety of therapies whose purpose is to treat the whole person to stimulate and support the person’s own innate healing capacity.
Naturopaths believe that Nature can provide the cure if you allow it. There is always a cause for ‘dis’-ease and it is the Naturopath’s job to find out what that is and bring the patient back into balance naturally.
Naturopaths practice under the code of conduct for non-registered health practitioners.